Breakthrough Fitness Blog
Sage advice from a 55-year-old who ran 366 marathons
A few weeks ago, an incredible athletic feat was accomplished on New Year’s Eve. The 'benjamin button' of the NFL
On Christmas day, me and Amanda flipped on the Ravens/Texans game while sipping on chicken noodle soup. Even though the game was a blowout, it was a blast seeing the Raven’s quarterback, Lamar Jackson make history (most rushing yards in history). But there was another eye-opening moment post-game when a reporter... December is The Sandbox for Fitness
A timely quote from fitness writer, Beth Skwarecki: “Even if you think of January as when you get your fresh start on fitness and life, you can think of December as your sandbox, the place where you test out ideas and mull over what it is you really want.” Here’s something else about starting in December though... |